
Chatting with: Promobrace

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Promobrace has it’s Virtual Office at LACS Conde D’Óbidos and we went to find out more about their day-to-day work.

You create, we realize!
Gadgets and gifts with your logo!
Promobrace is specialized in original promotional gifts and personalized bracelets of all types for events, causes and brand promotion.
We are a company that offers solutions in original gifts, with a focus on silicone bracelets, key rings, led bracelets, that are fully customized according to the client’s proposal and creativity!

We spoke with Aline Pontin.

Describe your work in three words. 

Creative, pleasant, empathetic.

What is best about your job? 

The possibility of carrying out a project that’s in the client’s mind.

Describe your typical day.

Reply to emails and requests through whatsApp all day! I have fun with customer orders. Graphically design the products. I talk to suppliers, customers and curious people all the time.

What music do you listen to while working? 

Relaxing and stimulating songs to help with creativity, like pop, rock and samba.

How did Promobrace start? What’s the main idea behind Promobrace?

The idea was born in Brazil in the early 2000s, where I worked for 1 year before moving to Italy.
7 years later, the president of Promobrace Brazil on a holiday trip to Italy, decided to make me a proposal for the opening of a branch in Italy under my administration.
Today we have 4 companies around the world.
Brazil, United States, Italy. The youngest is the company from Portugal that was born in November 2020.

What do you like most about LACS? 

The space, people and philosophy.

When you were a child, what did you want to be? 

Dentist, I studied for it for a few years. One fine day, at the dental prosthesis school, they recorded an advertisement and I fell in love with the promotion structure and decided to change. After that I studied publicity and advertising in Brazil and today I work with what I love.

What was your first job? 

I worked as an administration assistant, I was 15 years old, I was an intern for the school, in 1995 and I learned to use the computer and helped students in the enrollment process.

Someone who inspires you and why?

My boss/partner Ricardo Rizzo, from the beginning he trusted my work and gave me the opportunity to grow with the company. He taught me a lot, always with freedom and friendship. Before making any decision I ask him for advice.
A father to me!

What is the secret to success? 

Humility, empathy and dedication.

Advice for someone just starting a business? 

Get the dream out of the paper! Think positive! Don’t give up, don’t be shaken by criticism and losses.

What are your favorite places in Lisbon? 

Lx factory, viewpoints, Cais do Sodré and Santos.

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